Highlighted stories of success with Hyperion's solutions

Image of client's workspace

Country Charm Coffee

avg site clicks per month
people reached from ads in first week of low ad spend
engaged session per user from SEO
Image of client's workspace

Jay's Barber Studio

site clicks in < 3 month
monthly income due to appointments
average monthly visitors brought directly from Hyperion’s strong SEO work

Why our solutions work wonders for our customers

Low risk with performance incentivized model
Specialized solutions for solar companies
Communication as the focal point
Data-centric solutions

Unlock Your Growth Potential

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Frequently asked questions

What makes Hyperion different from other advertising companies?

We specialize in and only work with solar companies. We also have much lower retainer and a model that incentivizes us to give our best effort to ensure you get real, qualified, and pre-screened appointments. We are also unique in the regard that all of our websites are built in Webflow, from scratch, custom tailored to you, by our in-house development team.

I don't have a big budget for marketing. Do your services still make sense for me?

Our services are perfect for almost anybody at any size since we charge a low industry retainer and make our profits off of how well we can perform getting you appointments.

How long does it take to see results from your services?

Once the small initial contract has been signed and payment has been delivered, all services will begin running within 7 days. This includes a website, on-page SEO, and your first ad campaign. The first month will still show some results although this period is mostly for setting up, experimenting, and finding what's going to work best for you and your company. This is why we recommend going with at least a 60-day option.

What kind of marketing services do you offer?

We offer Meta integrated marketing such as Instagram and Facebook as our primary ways of advertisement. We have a full team of experts in the field to give you the best results we can deliver.

Do I need to sign a long-term contract?

No, we offer month-to-month contracts to make changes and offer you the best service we can, we believe in not locking partners into long term contracts as this encourages us to consistently perform our best.